May this message find you and yours well, rested (from Thanksgiving, for our US readers), and at peace.

While contemplating the topic for this installment of Good Stuff, many ideas passed thru my head, my thoughts settled when I came upon these words of Gandhi. They resonated with me because of their simplicity and truth.

For those of us in America, we are awash in the tsunami called “Black Friday” which strikes me as being completely incompatible with the sentiment of giving thanks we experienced yesterday. This got me to thinking, how can I contribute to the change I want to experience in the world? Again, Mr. Ghandi said it best “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World”. Well, I want to see a more compassionate and connected world. One where people are accepted for who they are instead of marginalized because of their beliefs, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, economic condition etc. etc. etc. you get the picture.

So I have decided, consistent with the words that opened this installment of Good Stuff, I would give service to one heart with one simple act during this holiday season. So at some point over the next two weeks, I will clear my day, take the train into Boston, and invite a homeless person to lunch. My hope is that we share not just a meal but some of our stories, that we build a connection which will leave a long-term impression on each of us, and at the very least share, some time being compassionate and connected. Who knows, maybe we will get the ball rolling.

My request to each of you is that you find a way in your life, right now before 2012 draws to an end to “give service to a single heart”. Please do it in a way that is meaningful to you. And when we see each other or otherwise connect perhaps we will have some interesting experiences to share with each other.

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Good Stuff


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Good Stuff


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