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Parenting Coordination
The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
The AFCC is a professional association for those who work with families in conflict. They’ve created standards and guidelines for parenting coordinators, plus an array of information about family services.
AAML Child-Centered Residential Guidelines – A comprehensive guide to setting up the most effective parenting plan for your co-nuclear family
BenchCard – This is the guide that I helped cocreate. All judges in MA have it at their disposal and might well use it when they are being asked to appoint a Parenting Coordinator. It is a great resource to help you and your coparent prepare yourself for when you go to court and ask for a PC to be appointed, especially if you are self-represented.
AZ AFCC Parenting Communication Resources in High Conflict Cases – Essential considerations for high conflict coparenting communication
MAAFCC Parenting Resources – Guide that provides areas of considerations of children’s needs by age range
Standing Order 1 – 17 – The RULE that sets out the qualifications for and standards by which the judge must appoint Parenting Coordinators in MA
The Center for Divorce Education – Online Parenting Classes – Based on extensive research, here are two highly effective online coparenting classes that will reduce the stress of divorce and separation for all parties.
OurFamilyWizard – A multifaceted online platform that supports families as they manage shared parenting. A must for all of Tony’s clients.
Bill Eddy – High Conflict Institute – HCI is a training and consultation group that helps parents and professionals identify, manage and prepare for the most complex and frustrating high-conflict situations.
Nonviolent Communication – NVC gives people a way of listening and communicating so people feel not just heard but understood.
The Gottman Institute – You’ve heard me talk about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Soft Startups, check out these and more of John and Julie’s work.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – When stress is high and you’re in a vulnerable state, the challenged parts of us emerge: anger, anxiety, frustration, and fear. These negative emotions can take control. But with The Emotional Freedom Technique, you’ll get calm and centered in less than three minutes. Learn more >>
What to Tell the Kids – Some basic tips you can use when you need to have “that conversation” with your Children from a recognized leader in Child welfare
Tug of War – This excerpt from the book by the same title contains 10 tips for successful resolution of parenting disputes.
Holistic Health Counseling and Education
Al Costanza is a functional medicine doctor who focuses his knowledge on creating customized plans to support health and well-being for his patients. Don’t wait until you‘re ill or stricken with disease. Take a proactive approach to your health.
Skin to Soul
This is a self-improvement center like no other. Nicole Russo, the founder, is a gifted healer who exquisitely practices the John Barnes technique of Myofascial Release. You’ll be most impressed if you book a session with Nicole or one of her protégés.