
Parenting Coordination

The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
The AFCC is a professional association for those who work with families in conflict. They’ve created standards and guidelines for parenting coordinators, plus an array of information about family services.

AAML Child-Centered Residential Guidelines – A comprehensive guide to setting up the most effective parenting plan for your co-nuclear family

BenchCard – This is the guide that I helped cocreate.  All judges in MA have it at their disposal and might well use it when they are being asked to appoint a Parenting Coordinator.  It is a great resource to help you and your coparent prepare yourself for when you go to court and ask for a PC to be appointed, especially if you are self-represented.

AZ AFCC Parenting Communication Resources in High Conflict Cases – Essential considerations for high conflict coparenting communication

MAAFCC Parenting Resources – Guide that provides areas of considerations of children’s needs by age range

Standing Order 1 – 17 – The RULE that sets out the qualifications for and standards by which the judge must appoint Parenting Coordinators in MA

The Center for Divorce Education – Online Parenting Classes – Based on extensive research, here are two highly effective online coparenting classes that will reduce the stress of divorce and separation for all parties.

OurFamilyWizard – A multifaceted online platform that supports families as they manage shared parenting.  A must for all of Tony’s clients.

Bill Eddy – High Conflict Institute – HCI is a training and consultation group that helps parents and professionals identify, manage and prepare for the most complex and frustrating high-conflict situations.

Nonviolent Communication – NVC gives people a way of listening and communicating so people feel not just heard but understood.

The Gottman Institute – You’ve heard me talk about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Soft Startups, check out these and more of John and Julie’s work.

Between2Homes – Three more valuable online classes for coparents.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – When stress is high and you’re in a vulnerable state, the challenged parts of us emerge: anger, anxiety, frustration, and fear. These negative emotions can take control. But with The Emotional Freedom Technique, you’ll get calm and centered in less than three minutes. Learn more >>

What to Tell the Kids  – Some basic tips you can use when you need to have “that conversation” with your Children from a recognized leader in Child welfare

Tug of War This excerpt from the book by the same title contains 10 tips for successful resolution of parenting disputes.


Holistic Health Counseling and Education
Al Costanza is a functional medicine doctor who focuses his knowledge on creating customized plans to support health and well-being for his patients. Don’t wait until you‘re ill or stricken with disease. Take a proactive approach to your health.

Skin to Soul
This is a self-improvement center like no other. Nicole Russo, the founder, is a gifted healer who exquisitely practices the John Barnes technique of Myofascial Release. You’ll be most impressed if you book a session with Nicole or one of her protégés.