Meet Tony

As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), I’ve developed a results-oriented coaching style that centers on the unique circumstances of each client. While drawing from my personal life experiences as well as my professional experience as a prosecutor, criminal defense, and civil plaintiff’s attorney, I strive to help clients cultivate more meaningful relationships.

Tony Pelusi in a photograph of him up near a tree

My Story

After serving as a prosecutor for over six years, I decided to found my own legal practice on the other side of the courtroom serving as a criminal defense attorney. The majority of my cases involved representing decent folks who made poor choices. Then, I was engaged as personal counsel to a family in a civil case; together we became involved in what was to become the lengthiest and most arduous (and acrimonious) civil case in the history of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As a result of our efforts, the clients won back their patrimony and received one of the largest civil judgments ever recorded in Massachusetts.

Although I took great pride in my work as a lawyer, I abruptly came to realize that the rigors of this case had taken a devastating toll on my personal life and relationships. Without intervention, I was at risk of losing connection with the people who gave my life meaning – my wife and children! After assessing the situation, determining my priorities, and taking action, I was able to find much-needed balance within my life. In hindsight, the steps that I took to mend my relationships were essential to the fulfilling and connected life that I now live. And, having walked the walk prepared me to do the transformative work I now do with my clients.

My Story

After serving as a prosecutor for over six years, I decided to found my own legal practice on the other side of the courtroom serving as a criminal defense attorney. The majority of my cases involved representing decent folks who made poor choices. Then, I was engaged as personal counsel to a family in a civil case; together we became involved in what was to become the lengthiest and most arduous (and acrimonious) civil case in the history of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As a result of our efforts, the clients won back their patrimony and received one of the largest civil judgments ever recorded in Massachusetts.

Although I took great pride in my work as a lawyer, I abruptly came to realize that the rigors of this case had taken a devastating toll on my personal life and relationships. Without intervention, I was at risk of losing connection with the people who gave my life meaning – my wife and children! After assessing the situation, determining my priorities, and taking action, I was able to find much-needed balance within my life. In hindsight, the steps that I took to mend my relationships were essential to the fulfilling and connected life that I now live. And, having walked the walk prepared me to do the transformative work I now do with my clients.

My Specialties

I currently serve as a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) with a concentration on relationships. I support my clients as they find ways to find and enhance serenity in their day-to-day lives. As part of my approach, I introduce aspects of timeless wisdom, applied philosophy, spirituality, enneagram, and mediation skills for improved relationships, parenting, personal and professional achievement. Throughout the process, client growth and life fulfillment come first.

My Specialties

I currently serve as a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) with a concentration on relationships. I support my clients as they find ways to find and enhance serenity in their day-to-day lives. As part of my approach, I introduce aspects of timeless wisdom, applied philosophy, spirituality, enneagram, and mediation skills for improved relationships, parenting, personal and professional achievement. Throughout the process, client growth and life fulfillment come first.

Graphic of quotation marks used for the testimonials sections on the site
“Parents must learn to love their children more than they dislike each other.”
Justice Blackstone

Professional Experiences

Professional Experiences

Credentialed & Category V Approved

To earn approval as a Parenting Coordinator, I met and exceeded all Probate and Family Court requirements. I was trained by Dr. Robin Deutsch, a renowned psychologist and Former Director of The Center of Excellence for Children, Families and the Law (CECFL) at William James College.

My coursework included:

Credentialed & Category V Approved

To earn approval as a Parenting Coordinator, I met and exceeded all Probate and Family Court requirements. I was trained by Dr. Robin Deutsch, a renowned psychologist and Former Director of The Center of Excellence for Children, Families and the Law (CAFES) at William James College.

My coursework included:

I invite you to visit my services page for more information regarding my parenting coordination, relationship work, and professional coaching specialties.