Change Your Mind;
Change Your Life

The biggest hurdle to positive change might simply be the way you've trained yourself to think.

Image of a girl holding her hands up against the sun, making a screen with her hands

Change Your Mind;
Change Your Life

The biggest hurdle to positive change might simply be the way you've trained yourself to think.

Tony Pelusi in a photograph of him up near a tree
I’ve created a coaching style that’s all my own. It’s the synergistic result of working for years as a prosecutor and defense attorney – and gaining insight into relationships through my own personal challenges.


Is it time for

Parenting Coordination?

Some decisions are easy to make: “Want fries with that?”… “Can I make that stale yellow light?”… “Should I share my Social Security Number?”

And then there are the difficult decisions. You know the ones. They linger in your mind day and night. You talk about them with almost everyone you know, looking for approval, justification, or advice. Your stomach’s always in a knot, and you rarely get a good night’s sleep.

Parenting Coordination
can help