I’ve created a coaching style that’s all my own. It’s the synergistic result of working for years as a prosecutor and defense attorney – and gaining insight into relationships through my own personal challenges.
“When we began working with Tony, my former wife and I were incapable of having a civil conversation. It’s taken some time for sure . . . now we are more able to resolve our disagreements ourselves. Tony’s patience and constant modeling of good behavior certainly paved the way for us. We’re so pleased to have learned about non-violent communication from him.”
Peter M.Satisfied Customer
Tony, over the past two years as our PC you've been more than professional. You've been a pleasure to work with and I would not hesitate to give a recommendation for others who require similar services. Thank you for your assistance as we moved to this new stage in our lives.
Based on our past two years of interactions we have learned how to better coparent our child. You present ways for those in conflict to see things from the outside perspective, thinking beyond the issue at hand, and looking forward toward the larger objective of a healthy parent / child relationship and successful long term development. I am thankful that we have been able to internalize that lessons you taught us after some practice.
I wish you continued success with your important work.
A Grateful Dad
"I now make more conscious and purposeful decisions in every aspect of my life."
Susan CollardDirector at Dell, Inc.
"Your coaching changed my life; it helped me find the light. Through you, I learned that I had the ability to change my outlook and write my own happy ending."
Keri PelessierSatisfied Customer Is it time for
Parenting Coordination?
Some decisions are easy to make: “Want fries with that?”… “Can I make that stale yellow light?”… “Should I share my Social Security Number?”
And then there are the difficult decisions. You know the ones. They linger in your mind day and night. You talk about them with almost everyone you know, looking for approval, justification, or advice. Your stomach’s always in a knot, and you rarely get a good night’s sleep.
And then there are the difficult decisions. You know the ones. They linger in your mind day and night. You talk about them with almost everyone you know, looking for approval, justification, or advice. Your stomach’s always in a knot, and you rarely get a good night’s sleep.